
Monday, May 21, 2007

Plantar Fasciitis? Is that a Video Game Character?

WTH!?! - This pain in my left heel is not good. Nope not at all. I've been nursing this thing since early April. I can't run as fast as before and I seem to be gaining weight? WTH!?! When will this pain depart me. I'm not a big fan but, it seems to love me. I've heard that Plantar Fasciitis is the singular worse thing that can happen to a runner and could potentially end a career.

I guess I could get on the elliptical machine for the next couple of weeks. I hate the idea of sitting in one spot building up a sweat doing some modified version of the moon walk. I'm not Michael Jackson for crying out loud. What other choices do I have?

Of course, I ran 6 miles this morning. I'd hardly call it running. It was more like hop along Cassidy but I pushed through it.

I'm using the tennis ball tonite to message the heel and foot tonite then I'm going out for a 5.5 miler tomorrow morning. Well see how it goes.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Did you know I had to deal with plantar's for a while? I became one with the frozen water bottle, massage, and Ibuprofen. Hang in there - it's a long recovery road, but you'll be fine. :-)

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