
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Miss You

I have so missed updating my blog. It's been months. In fact, one of my running buddies google chatted me today and complained about my lack of writing. "You have not written in you blog this year", she typed.

Well, over the last several months I have been simply covered in new technology. It has been great. New Macbook, new shuffle, new web pages, new iPhone, dozens of new apps for same. The list goes on. So, since I've been a Windows person for two decades, you can imagine the steep learning curve I had to travel to become proficient with my new gadgets.

I'm almost there. Just recently I started understanding all the neat features in iPhoto (Apples photo management app). Wow, faces recognition, site location tagging and search preferences. It's really kool.

What does all this have to do with running? Nothing and everything. It all just works together for a much better running experience, I guess. I've been using my iPhone to stay in contact with all my running friends. We text, email and Facebook from our iPhones to plan running events and post run coffees and breakfasts. All without the benefit of voice calls, typically. It's all just so much fun. Enhances the whole experience.

Now, I mentioned Facebook. What an addictive tool. Besides, it makes a would-be writer quite lazy. I can give a quick, one-line update on the front page and my writing quota is done for the day. And some days I have not been doing that.

Well, that's an update for now. Here's a topic teaser for my next updates:

OK City Marathon
Luke's Locker Quick Beat Coaching
Swimming 101
iPhone OS 3.0
Runnersworld Blogging?
The Injury List

So, I hope you return and start following me again. Bye for now and never, never stop running.

1 comment:

shscooter said...

Yeah, Don! You're back! Yes, Macs and all that go with them are a true time-suction! Can't believe it's early marathon time again, so it's a great time to get back on the Blog! Looking forward to it!


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