Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Update on Asics Landreth 7 and a Little Bit on "Shrinkage"
Monday, July 16, 2012
Am I a Real Runner? - List of Great Running Movies (read on...)
I found running movies and running documentaries that I had seen but many more that I had never heard of. (I've seen 39% of the movies on the list).
Friday, July 13, 2012
Why I Love to Run in the Morning
Today, the hard runner wants to explain why running in the morning is so important to me. I have been running regularly since 2004 and have not stopped since, unless I was suffering from some injury. That has been a little more often than I'd like to admit. However, the fascination of getting up early in the morning before the sun rises and before there's any traffic on the road has always held my interest. I've learned from reading many studies that you burn more fat calories in the morning because you don't have as many carbohydrates in your system after a full night's sleep. Of course, to take advantage of this benefit, you must run before breakfast or getting any food in your system. If you're doing a long training run, more than 75 minutes, I wouldn't suggest you run on an empty stomach. That could land you in the hospital or at least you'll have a pretty miserable experience that day.
Another benefit I found is the clearing of the mind. Similar to how some people like to meditate or pray before starting their day, running can get you ready for a busy day. I believe in prayer, but I do enjoy adding running. It gives me an opportunity to think about what I need to do during the day and often helps me come up with some pretty good solutions. Nothing else has had an chance to bogg down my thinking.
It's so easy to put off exercise if I wait until later in the day. You know the challenge of getting busy or staying a little later at work to get something done. Next you have some dinner party you have to attend or your kids' soccer practice you have to get them to. Little time is ever left for you to take care of yourself once 5 pm shows up.
And the far best thing I love about early morning running is that I can cry, or whimper without anyone seeing me. I guess this works at night too, but there are far fewer people around at 6am. I remember from the 1980s or 90s an Army commercial that ended, "The U.S. Army, we do more before nine am than most people do all day." I just love that sense of accomplishment you earn by realizing you have done a complete guilt free workout before most people get out the shower to go to work. And if you really feel fancy, you can add another workout at the end of the day. That's bonus fat burning and muscle building potential that few will ever see.
See this video and tell me how great it is to run at White Rock Lake - Dallas in the morning.
So tomorrow morning, when you're suffering the heat and humidity during your training run, think of this… You could be running at 2:30 pm! Never, never stop running!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Hard Runner's Happy Return to Asics
Monday, July 9, 2012
Knee Issues - Could it be…the dreaded IT?
The most common scenarios we see are:
1) Runners coming in the shop complaining of IT Band pain a few days after a downhill race or a long run on a flat, even surface (like a road or treadmill). Usually this type of run puts more work on the quads, which causes the imbalance to get worse and the IT Band pain to manifest. (Many times this scenario is in combination with #2, below)
2) Over-striding or heel striking runners, especially those who run fast or do speed work.
this {continuously rolling over the pain} is not really a good thing to do, especially if we are talking about an area that is sensitive. try rolling back and forth SLOWLY over just 2-3 inches at a time.the it bands are really the outside of your leg, from the hip to the knee. which could be 15-18 inches or so. so at 2-3 inches at a time, you would end up moving in 6 or so distinct areas.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Runner's Issues - Black Toenails
Black Toenails
Some runners, especially those training for long-distance events, can suffer from black toenails. It's actually easy to prevent this unsightly problem.